Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Obama Victory in North Carolina Scarf

This is what I started working on last night while we watched Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews & Co. reporting on the Indiana and North Carolina primary returns.

This is a scarf pattern, called a Garter Ridge Stitch, suggested in the book "Knitting for Dummies"--stupid title, good information. I love this yarn, but I had to try to manipulate the colour in PaintShop Pro to get it to look like it does IRL. It's a beautiful soft pale green with NO blue tones to it.

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Monday, May 05, 2008

InsaneJournal + today and tomorrow

I haven't been able to post to my main blog, CountryMouse's Refuge, which is at InsaneJournal. This has to do with the move to new servers over the weekend, and some leftover stuff needing to be done.

Today: lazy day. Did a little knitting. I worked on my pink scarf that has a cable running down the middle. It's from a pattern in the book "Celebrity Scarves 2: Hollywood Knits for Breast Cancer Research".

Then my CFC counselor showed up, and we had a nice session. It's a comfort to have her to talk to.

After that Bunnicula and I watched last night's "Desperate Housewives". We have been watching "DHs" since the first season and don't intend to ever quit. Too much fun!

And then it was time for my little meal of soft foods. I went to my main AC:WW town of Candlefd (Candleford) whilst eating.

In a few minutes, B. and I will be watching Keith Olbermann's "Countdown".

Tomorrow Bunnicula will need to go get some bread and other things for me at the grocery; so while he's at the shopping center, he'll get me some yarn (heh--like I need more!). I want to start a rib-knit scarf. I don't know why--probably because my sister is making one. I always want to try to make what she's making. :-D In fact, I probably even want to be such a copy-cat errrr mouse as to use lavender yarn TOO!

I am going to TRY not to stress out about tomorrow's primaries. Que sera, sera. But Bunnicula and I will almost certainly watch MSNBC's coverage of the returns anyway.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Oral surgery aftermath

Five days after oral surgery. :-P

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