Thursday, January 10, 2008

Update on my shiny new InsaneJournal

I'm there! As far as I can tell, all my old LiveJournal posts (sans comments) have made it over and are archived. I will, within the next week or so, check against my LiveJournal, to see if anything is missing and fix that. :-)

Okay, this will sound melodramatic, but it felt like I was running away from an oppressive regime, coming to (the idealized) America. I could see the Statue of Liberty and people with open arms (no Ellis Island), waiting to welcome me to FREEDOM! Everyone at InsaneJournal has been so nice and helpful! I'm lovin' it there!

So come and visit me there! And if you are an LJer, please consider making the jump yourself! Here is where I "live" now:

CountryMouse's Refuge

I am "permanently insane" (IOW, I bought a permanent account)--heh. :-P

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